Organisational hierarchy was killing innovation and velocity

Welcome to our mini case studies series. These quick-read success stories highlight the common challenges our clients face and how we work with them to solve them. As we work in many competitive sectors, leading through innovation, we can't always share their name or specific details of the work we do.


Embracing an agile pod model helped this investment platform business drive innovation and growth

Rapid growth resulted in stifling central command and hierarchy, grinding innovation to a halt,

A new organisation structure and flexible POD model empowered the team to innovate and improve efficiency.

Three years on, they’ve grown threefold without any huge headcount spikes and welcome large new clients.


Control issues.

Rapid growth resulted in stifling central command and hierarchy for this investment platform business.

Innovation was stalling and development grinding to a halt,

With a controlling CTO at the helm, and a lack of trust in team members, it was clear a change was needed to move forward effectively.

Adopting an agile pod model.

A new organisation structure was needed. We put a flexible POD model in place, with architecture, product management and design as horizontal functions,

Closely knit teams of 8-10 people worked on common goals without too much overlap with other pods.

Pods were dynamically restructured, but key people in each pod kept the vision.

Autonomy fuels growth.

Three years on, there’s a much larger team in place, still organised in pods with improved autonomy (“don’t ask permission if it’s reversible”) to empower teams to innovation and more at a faster pace.

The efficient pod model means they have grown threefold without any huge headcount spikes.

And they’ve recently won a landmark new client.


Thanks for reading. If this or one of our other case studies resonates with you then feel free to email us to speak to one of our Partners.

Author: Tim Palmer

Tim founded Blue Hat after a number of COO and CTO roles in Banking, Startup and Consulting businesses. His passion is delivering software that realises the business objectives. Tim has worked in complex data systems including building low-latency FX trading and enterprise data warehouses. Tim is a trusted advisor and technology leader who transforms business vision into reality.

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